Level 1 

Skills and Concepts

1. Comparing within 20

a. Which is more? (pictures)

b. Which is more? (numbers)

c. Who has more?

2. Adding within 10

a. Adding with Numbers and Pictures

b. Adding Story Problems

c. Adding with Numbers

3. Adding within 20

a. Adding with Pictures (No voice or sign)

b. Adding Story Problems

c. Adding with Numbers Only

d. Commutative Property: Which equations are the same?

e. Addition Facts: Right or Wrong?

4. Adding with 3 numbers

a. Adding with Pictures

b. Adding Story Problems

c. Adding with Numbers Only (No sign or voice)

d. Commutative Property: Which equations are the same?

5. Subtracting within 10

a. Subtracting by Crossing Out

b. Subtracting Story Problems (Give away)

c. Subtracting with Numbers Only

6. Subtracting within 20

a. Subtracting with Pictures (Cross Out)

b. Subtracting Story Problems (Give Away)

c. Subtracting Story Problems (how many more?)

d. Subtracting with Equations (No Sign or Voice)

e. Subtraction Facts: True or False?

7. Place Value 

a. How many ones? (Base 10 blocks)

b. How many tens? (Base 10 blocks)

c. Which number is in the ones place?

d. Which number is in the tens place?

8. Counting to 120

a. Counting to 120

b. Matching Signs to Numbers

c. Counting to 120 with Base 10

9. Reading: Matching Words to Signs and Numbers

a.Reading one to twenty

10. Comparing within 120

a. Which is more?

11. Measuring Length

a. How many inches?

b. How many centimeters?

12. Temperature

a. What is the temperature?

b. Find the right thermometer

13. Time

a. What time is it? (hours)

b. Find the clock (hours)

c. What time is it? (Half hours)

d. Find the clock (half hours)

e. Reading: Match the Words to the Clock (hours)

14. Graphs

a. Answering Questions with Picture Graphs

b. Find the correct graph

c. Answering Questions with Picture Graphs

d. Find the correct picture graph

e. Answer questions about the bar graph

f. Pick the correct bar graph

15. Money

a. Coin Names and Values

b. Name the Coin

c. How many cents? (single coins)

d. How many cents? (Pennies only)

e. How many cents? (Nickels only)

f. How many cents? (Nickels and pennies)

g. How many cents? (Dimes Only)

h. How many cents? (Quarters only)

i. How many cents? (Nickels, Pennies, Dimes and Quarters)

16. Calendar Skills

a. Days of the Week

b. Reading a Calendar - One Week

c. Which day is before/after...?

d. Days of the Week: Matching Names to Signs

e. Months of the Year

f. Which month is this?

g. Months: Matching Names to Signs

17. Shapes

a. Counting Sides

b. Counting Corners

18. Fractions

a. Which has equal parts?