Level 4 Skills and Concepts

1. Multiplication

a. Find the multiplication equation

b. Multiplication Story Problems

c. Words for Multiplication

d. Two Step Multiplication Story Problems

e.  Story Problems with Estimation

f. Missing Variable in Multiplication Problems

g. How to Use Visual Models to Multiply

h. Visual Models in Multi digit Multiplication (one digit x two digits)

i. Visual Models in Multi Digit Multiplication (two digit x two digit)

j. Multiplication with Arrays - What is the equation?

k. Multiplication Story Problems (Visual)

2. Factoring

a. What is Factor Tree?

b. Which is the correct factor tree?

c. Which is a prime number?

3. Division

a. Division Words

b. Division Word Problems

c. Matching Division Sentence to Circle Model

d. Estimate and Divide

e. Missing Dividend/Divisor Problems

f. Dividing with remainders

g. Division Story Problems with Remainders

4. Place Value

a. What is Place Value?

b. Read and pick the correct number (place value)

c. Write the Number in Words

d. Identifying place value

e. Comparing

f. Rounding with Place Value

6. Fractions

a. Finding Equivalent Fractions

b. Comparing fractions with like denominators

c. Comparing fractions with like numerators

d. Comparing Fractions: Butterfly Method

e. Comparing fractions

f.Story Problems with fractions (like denominators)

g. Story problems with fractions (unlike denominators)

h. Multiplying fractions

7. Decimals

a. Decimal Place Values and Names

b. Fractions to decimals

c. Decimals on a number line

8. Measurement

a. Pick the Correct Unit

b. Converting feet to inches

c. Converting inches to feet

d. Converting centimeters to meters

9. Time

a. Converting seconds to minutes

10. Data

a. Interpreting bar graphs

b. Interpreting line graphs

c. Interpreting pie graphs