What is Modal Math?
Modal Math is a math practice website designed for students that benefit from instruction in sign language, with or without speech. It is designed so that students can acquire language - written, signed and/or spoken - as they practice math skills at their current level. The name Modal Math comes from the use of four different modalities: sign, speech, text and visuals. It was designed by a teacher for her students, their families and other educators. It is easy to use at home, in the classroom or on the go.
Who is Modal Math for?
Modal Math was created with students, teachers and parents in mind. While it is not a substitute for direct instruction, it serves as a supplemental tool for students to practice what they have learned. While the program was created by a Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Modal Math can be used for any student that benefits from practicing their math skills visually or with American Sign Language. Additionally, it is a great way for parents and teachers to provide extra independent practice for students!
Is Modal Math a math curriculum?
Modal Math is not a stand-alone curriculum. While several topics have overview videos, Modal Math is a way to practice math skills at a student's level. It is not a substitute for direct instruction, but a great way to get additional practice of mathematics concepts and skills.
How do I know where to start?
You may choose to start at the beginning of a level or skip around, as needed. While each level has a sequence of learning, it is not necessary to follow the order listed. However, since math concepts build upon one another, it is recommended that a student begins at the beginning of the unit.
How can I track my child's progress?
Each student's progress is tracked in their account in the learning portal. Parents and teachers can view completed quizzes and results by logging into the student's account.
What is Simultaneous Communication?
Simultaneous communication (or SimCom) is a term used in Deaf Education to refer to speaking and signing at the same time. While this method of communication is successful for many, SimCom has some limitations. Similar to the challenge of speaking two languages at the same time, a person may misuse the grammar of either the spoken language or sign language by trying to use simultaneously. The result may be that a child will not receive a strong grammatical model in either language. Modal Math aims to remedy this problem by giving the student access to both spoken language and signed language, separately but at the same time.
What can I do if the videos are too fast (or slow) for my student?
Whether you are viewing the videos on a computer, tablet or phone, all video speeds can be adjusted in the bottom right corner of the video.
What if I can't find a topic I am looking for?
Each level has a curriculum page that lists the concepts and skills included at the level. These are determined by the Common Core Standards, and in line with what is being taught at that grade level in schools. If you are unable to find a topic or concept that you would like, please submit a request! Our goal is to continuously add to the program in order to best meet your needs.
General FAQ
Content and Usage FAQ
Questions Related to Content
Is this American Sign Language?
The sign language used for this site is a form of American Sign Language called Conceptually Accurate Signed English (or Pidgin Signed English). While American Sign Language oftentimes does not use initials at the beginnings of words or English word order, you may notice that we often use these features in our videos. This is in order to create a connection between the written English and the sign in order to promote literacy while retaining the conceptual accuracy of concepts. This is not to be confused with Signed Exact English, which signs features such as articles and word endings that do not exist in traditionally used sign language.
Help! I sign this differently!
As users of American Sign Language know, there are dialectal and regional differences in the way something is signed. Signers from the same place can also use two different signs for the same thing. This is no problem and is often a way to learn multiple signs for the same concept and experience the beautiful diversity of sign language! The sign used for this program is similar to that used in the Chicago area, as that is where we are based.
I have classroom iPads! How can I make this more user friendly for my students?
While testing with students, we noted that it is much simpler to use an iPad in portrait orientation rather than the landscape orientation. Make sure that Portrait Orientation Lock is turned off. To check, open Control Center. If you see a symbol that looks like a lock with an arrow around it, tap it to turn Portrait Orientation Lock off. For more information on how to change the orientation of an apple iPad, click the link below. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204547
Will ModalMath work on my laptop?
Yes! Modal Math works on most browsers on any laptop, tablet or smartphone. On a laptop: Log into the site on you browser and begin! On a smartphone: Make sure you are connected to wifi (if you don't want to use your data) and use the website in portrait mode. On a tablet: Use a browser to access the Modal Math website and use the website in portrait mode for the best viewing experience.